16 Sep Prince of Wales Drive Culvert Construction Update
Dear Resident,
Construction is underway to renew the culvert that conveys Nepean Creek under Prince of Wales Drive, between the Clarke Bellinger Storm Pond and the Rideau River. The existing culvert is over 70 years old, in poor condition and in need of replacement. The new culvert will be tunnelled under Prince of Wales Drive. This construction method will be used to minimize the disruption that would otherwise be significant were a conventional trenched approach to be used.
To date, construction has been focussed on preparing the site and constructing the shaft on the west side of Prince of Wales Drive where the tunnelling will start from on September 28th, 2015.
The City has reviewed the Contractor’s construction plans to tunnel under Prince of Wales Drive and in order to ensure the work can be completed with limited disruption, the tunnelling operation must be continuous, and work will occur overnight. Overnight work was not originally anticipated, but this approach is a prudent way to minimize the risk of ground instability and ensure that the work is completed expeditiously. A noise bylaw exemption permit will be obtained to allow the tunnelling to take place over ten consecutive nights: from September 28th to October 8th 2015.
It is anticipated that the noise generated from the tunneling operation will be minimal. The tunneling machine itself is quiet and the only sound will be from a generator (used to power lighting and small tools), plus an excavator, which will be used intermittently. The source of the noise will be confined to the tunnel entry shaft located at the toe of the Prince of Wales embankment on the west side.
Marathon Drilling is working towards completing the tunnel as quickly as possible, but you may experience some inconvenience during the course of the night work. We thank you for your patience and understanding as the City renews this important piece of drainage infrastructure.