28 Jun Proposed Hwy 417 Carling Avenue East Eastbound ramp closure
As many residents may be aware, the Ministry of Transportation is planning to widen the 417 from 0.5 km west of Maitland Avenue to 0.6 km east of Island Park Drive. Included in the widening project is the proposed closure of the 417 E-E onramp at Carling. This is the loop eastbound onramp at Westgate Mall.
Residents in Carlington should review the attached material to gain a better understanding about this project and to share their feedback of the proposed closure with myself and the Ministry of Transportation.
Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper and I have shared our concerns and reservations about closing this onramp given the affects that it may have with respect to cut through traffic within the nearby residential communities.
You can submit your comments at http://queenswayexpansioneast.com/contact/