01 Nov Recruitment for City Boards and Committees
The City of Ottawa is currently recruiting for citizen members to serve on various Committees and Boards!
Make a difference by becoming a volunteer member! The City could benefit greatly from your expertise and knowledge and in return, you would gain insight and knowledge of how the City works.
To be eligible, you must be a resident of the City of Ottawa and must be 18 years of age or older in order to be eligible for appointment. Membership will, as much as possible, reflect Ottawa’s diversity and demographics in such areas as gender, official language, geographic representation, race and disability. In addition, consistent with Council’s motion of March 28, 2018, the City is working toward the goal of 50 per cent representation of women on the City’s Advisory Committees in the next Term of Council. Participants may be eligible for re-imbursement of some out-of-pocket expenses.
For more information: Visit ottawa.ca/committees or contact Carole Legault at 613-580-2424, ext. 28934, (TTY: 613-580-2401) or by email at committees@ottawa.ca.