21 Dec Register now to get the most out of Winterlude at Lansdowne
Ottawa – Registration is now open for anyone who thinks snowshoes, snow sculptures or touchdowns will be part of their Winterlude experience in 2016. The annual winter festival will be held between January 29 and February 15 and registration is now open for many of the special events.
Snowshoe Ultimate Tournament
Twenty-four teams of five will compete in the inaugural Snowshoe Ultimate Tournament on the Great Lawn at Lansdowne on February 14. The City is teaming up with the Ottawa-Carleton Ultimate Association and the outdoor group Mad Trapper to find the top local snowshoe team. Registration is on now.
Snowshoe running
Not sure how good you are on snowshoes? The Mad Trapper and Run Ottawa will offer four separate training sessions to help you get better and stronger on snowshoes. You can register now to learn how to walk, run, cross-train and play Ultimate on snowshoes.
Blizzard Bowl
Think you’re the next Henry Brrr-is, or Shiver-on Walker? Get your friends and family together to play touch football in the snow in the annual Blizzard Bowl. Organized by the Bytown Touch Football League, the tournament takes place Saturday, February 6 on the Great Lawn at Lansdowne. A maximum of 24 teams will be selected.
City Snowscapes
What’s Winterlude without snow sculptures? Register for the City Snowscapes Community Snow Sculpture contest by January 22, 2016. Up to 10 teams will be selected based on creativity, technique and visual appeal. In the meantime, get your team together and plan on joining the fun at Lansdowne’s Aberdeen Square. Sponsored in part by the Government of Ontario.
For more information on Winterlude or to register for any of these events, visit ottawa.ca.