03 Sep Rental Accommodations Study – Options Papers
Dear Neighbours and members of the Board of Local Community Associations,
You are receiving this email as you have previously expressed an interest in the City’s on-going Rental Accommodations Study. I wanted to ensure you were kept informed on the status of the study and provide you with the opportunity to share your feedback.
Ottawa Bylaw has released new information regarding the Policy Options papers produced by Maclaren Municipal Consulting.
Residents are being asked to take some time to review and share their feedback on two topics: Housing Conditions (Survey: https://s-ca.chkmkt.com/?e=167879&h=F2AFD15D3E53432&l=en) and Short Term Rentals (Survey: https://s-ca.chkmkt.com/?e=168343&h=D66EBE200286DF6&l=en)
Deadline for survey submission is Sept 4, 2019.
The link to the overall Rental Accommodations Study page is below:https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/public-engagement/projects/rental-accommodations-study