01 Apr River Ward E-Newsletter, April 1, 2021 | Bulletin electronique de Quartier Rivière 1 avril 2021
River Ward Community Update
Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward,
Spring has sprung!
Our first full month of spring will see greater use of our multi-use pathways, parks, and outdoor recreational amenities. Don’t forget that local creeks, ponds, and Rideau River remain saturated and fast-flowing. Be mindful of our little ones around all bodies of water. With the good weather, many cyclists, including children, will return to our roads. Please be mindful of vulnerable road users when driving in residential communities.
With the celebration of Passover (March 27 – April 4), Good Friday and Easter (April 2 and 4), and Ramadan (April 13 to May 12) this month, I wish you and your family well during holy month. Please remember to follow Ottawa Public Health guidelines when you gather and worship. Take time to reach out to neighbours and loved ones to ensure they are safe and their needs are being met.
The COVID vaccination campaign is the City of Ottawa’s number one priority and will remain for 2021. Additional information is contained in this newsletter and my office will be happy to assist you with any questions.
Please also note that the revised Official Plan continues to move along. A detailed outline is included below.
The River Ward team is here to serve you with any questions or concerns. Reach out any time.
Take care and be safe.
Riley Brockington
City Councillor, River Ward
Conseiller municipal, Quartier Rivière
For the full e-newsletter, click HERE (en français aussi)
For previous issues, click HERE (en français aussi)