01 Dec River Ward E-Newsletter, December 1, 2021 | Bulletin electronique de Quartier Rivière 1 decembre 2021
River Ward Community Update
December is a colourful month, with celebrations of the Festival of Lights-Hanukkah (November 29 to December 6), Christmas (December 25) and Kwanzaa (December 26 to January 1). Wishing you the best of times with your family and friends if you celebrate any of these special events.
Please remember those in need in our City. If you have the financial means to support a local charity of your choice, please do so this month. The pandemic has impacted many individuals and families in many ways, and your generosity will make a difference. If you need assistance this time of year, please reach out in confidence to my office and we can discuss your personal situation, 613-580-2486.
With vaccinations for younger residents, aged 5-11 in full swing, if you have any questions or concerns with the vaccine and want to address your questions with Ottawa Public Health, my office can facilitate that dialogue on your behalf.
Be safe, enjoy the month ahead and please reach out if the River Ward Team can assist you.
Sincerely yours,
Riley Brockington
City Councillor, Conseiller municipal
River Ward, Quartier Rivière
For the full e-newsletter, click HERE (en français aussi)
For previous issues, click HERE (en français aussi)