02 Feb River Ward E-Newsletter, February 1, 2021 – Bulletin electronique de Quartier Rivière, 1 février 2021
River Ward Community Update
Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward,
I trust you are well. How are you holding up this winter? If the COVID pandemic impedes your ability to perform basic functions like acquiring groceries or getting to medical appointments, contact my office for assistance.
Daily announcements from all three levels of government about COVID easily confuse us, it is hard to keep up. This bulletin contains some helpful updates and advice on how to keep our heads up and risk of transmission low.
In mid-January, I welcomed Erin McCracken to the River Ward Team to serve you. Erin is known in the south end of the ward for her excellent engagement and coverage of community issues as a reporter for the former Ottawa South newspaper. Her knowledge of the Ward, contacts, and skillset has already proven to be of significant value. Please join me in welcoming Erin to the team.
While February may be the shortest month of the year, and tomorrow we will place the length of winter in the paws of a groundhog, it is also a month that celebrates Black History. According to Canadian Heritage, “The commemoration of Black History Month dates back to 1926 when Harvard-educated African American historian Carter G. Woodson proposed setting aside a time devoted to honour the accomplishments of African Americans and to heighten awareness of Black history in the United States.
In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as Black History Month in Canada following a motion introduced by the first Black Canadian woman elected to Parliament, the Honourable Jean Augustine. In February 2008, Senator Donald Oliver, the first Black man appointed to the Senate, introduced the Motion to Recognize Contributions of Black Canadians and February as Black History Month.”
Five reasons why celebrating Black History Month is important:
1. Celebrating Honours the Historic Leaders of the Black Community
2. Celebrating Helps Us to Be Better Stewards of the Privileges We’ve Gained
3. Celebrating Provides an Opportunity to Highlight the Best of Black History & Culture
4. Celebrating Creates Awareness for All People
5. Celebrating Reminds Us All that Black History Is OUR History
We are stronger as a community and city when all residents are celebrated, respected, treated fairly and equitably. As your City Councillor, I serve all residents of our Ward, not just in words, but concrete action.
You are most welcome to reach out to discuss any matter with me.
Take care and be safe,
Riley Brockington
City Councillor, River Ward
Conseiller municipal, Quartier Rivière
To read the full February e-newsletter, Click HERE (en français aussi.)