23 Oct Second set of discussion papers released as part of taxi and limousine regulation and service review
Ottawa – The public is encouraged to read and provide feedback on two new discussion papers published on ottawa.ca today as part of the City’s comprehensive review of the taxi and limousine industries. The City is examining the current regulatory framework and service delivery to residents and visitors.
The discussion papers focus on emerging issues in the taxi and limousine industries, as well as accessibility issues.
A total of six discussion papers will be released in pairs on the City’s website over the coming weeks for public input. Other topics covered by the papers include: taxi economics, customer experience, detailed case studies of regulations in other jurisdictions and Ottawa’s existing hired vehicle regulations.
There are several ways that residents can provide feedback:
- By email at taxi@ottawa.ca
- On Twitter using the hashtag #Otttaxi
- On Facebook
- By phone at 613-580-TAXI (8294)
- Participate in a workshop by pre-registering by email. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to provide their feedback in-person to City staff.
Residents can also subscribe to email updates that will include notification of the release of discussion papers, the policy options and opportunities to participate in webinars.
Council approved funding for the Taxi and Limousine Regulation and Service Review as part of the City’s Strategic Initiatives. The consultant’s final report will be completed in December, and in early 2016 the Community and Protective Services Committee will consider a City staff report based on the consultant’s recommendations from the review.