22 Jan Seeking Your Feedback – Brookfield Road Multi-Use Pathway
The City of Ottawa has posted updated information on its website for Ottawa Cycling Plan Project P1-21 – Brookfield Multi-Use Pathway extension. The functional planning study for this project is in progress and the City is currently undertaking public consultation on the draft design. Please visit the website to review a description of the project, the preliminary design drawings and a ‘what we heard so far’ section.
An online feedback form is provided for residents to submit comments on the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned project manager. The comment period is open between 22 January and 9 February.
Brookfield multi-use pathway: www.Ottawa.ca/brookfieldmup
Project Manager:
Sam Roberts | Transportation Planner – Cycling
Transportation Policy and Networks |Transportation Planning | City of Ottawa
613.580.2424 x27910