Site Plan Application – Phase 1 – Westgate Redevelopment

Site Plan Application – Phase 1 – Westgate Redevelopment

Updating a previous post, Councillor Jeff Leiper and I are co-hosting a Public Open House on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 from 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street. All residents are invited to attend the open house to learn more about the first phase of the Westgate redevelopment project. More information on the Phase 1 Site Plan application can be found below.


My office has received the formal circulation of the planning application for the Phase 1 Site Plan for the Westgate Mall redevelopment.   Below is a link to the application on the City’s Development Application Search Tool where residents can find more information about the application and all of the submitted plans, reports, surveys and accompanying documents.

The Site Plan application for Phase 1 of the Westgate redevelopment retains the Westgate Shopping Centre and demolishes the stand-alone restaurant (Monkey Joe’s) to construct a 24-storey mixed-use building on the southeast corner of the lot with a 2-storey underground parking garage.

Please find below the application summary as well as some draft renderings.