31 Mar Trillium Pathway Phase 3 Functional Design Study
Online Consultation: March 30 to April 14, 2017
The purpose of the project is to address a missing cycling link for recreational, utilitarian and commuter users at an important junction of several routes, as well as to complete the Cross-town Bikeway #6 at this location.
A recommended functional design concept is being identified, based on technical feasibility, affordability and community input.
Proposed Plan – Trillium Pathway Phase 3
Tell us what you think
Complete the feedback questionnaire or email your questions/comments by Friday April 14, 2017 to the project manager below.
Paul Clarke, P.Eng.
Project Manager, Cycling programs
Transportation Planning
Transportation Services Department
City of Ottawa
110 Laurier Avenue
Email: paul.clarke2@ottawa.ca (link sends e-mail)
613-580-2424, ext. 29882