30 Jan Update: 3025 Albion Road North Development Proposal
Update: 3025 Albion Road North Development Proposal
I recently met with representatives of the Ahlul-Bayt Centre of Ottawa at City Hall.
As you may recall, the Ahlul-Bayt Centre of Ottawa (ABCO) previously approached the City’s Planning Department with a proposal to build a new mosque, community centre, and school on a vacant property located at 3095 Albion Road North. Councillor Deans and I hosted a public meeting on May 3, 2016. Many issues with the proposal were identified with residents in the community and shared with the City planner as well as the consultant on the file. The application was on hold for many months as the applicant and their consultants worked with City planning staff on resolving outstanding issues with the file that was mostly associated with the close proximity of the vacant land to the rail tracks and the property as a school use.
After many months of attempting to find a resolution, a new property slightly north, currently occupied by Hydro Ottawa at 3025 Albion Road North became available for purchase. The ABCO quickly turned their focus on a development plan for the Hydro Ottawa property and have received a condition of sale pending the City’s Planning process and the conclusion of other matters between the two parties. The proposal still shares the same vision as the previous plan and will include a prayer hall, a full time elementary school, and a community centre. Various amenities are proposed within the building including a gymnasium and possibly an indoor pool. The main difference in the new proposal is that the existing 200,000 square foot Hydro Ottawa building will be retained with a facelift on the front of the building and a significant renovation and retrofit to the interior of the building to meet the ABCO’s needs. Another major concern addressed by the new location is the availability of approximately 380+ parking spaces that are current available on the Hydro Ottawa lands. A lack of parking was a major concern with the previous development plan.
It is my intention to host a second public meeting in the coming months with Councillor Deans when the new planning application is submitted to the City’s Planning department. More information on a date, time and location will be shared, once organized.
I will continue to keep residents updated as more information becomes available.
Riley Brockington
City Councillor – River Ward