22 Apr Update for 417 work at Carling from MTO
The contractor for the 417 construction is commencing work within the median of Highway 417 including the following elements:
- Replacement of median drainage structures
- Replacement of median concrete wall
- Replacement of median lighting
- Completion of Merivale Avenue Structure Rehabilitation
Currently, this work is anticipated to run into late fall of 2020 at which point the temporary concrete barrier will be removed and 4 lanes of traffic will be open to the travelling public for the winter shutdown period. The contractor will then remobilize to complete the final surface course paving on Highway 417 in May 2021, which is anticipated to be completed by early summer 2021. The ministry will also keep City staff and Councillors informed about the future plans for the Carling westbound to Highway 417 eastbound ramp traffic mitigations.