29 Jun Update on Prince of Wales Culvert Replacement
Beginning July 7, the City of Ottawa will start construction work to renew the bridge culvert under Prince of Wales Drive, between Fisher Avenue and Colonnade Road.
The bridge culvert is located about 150m south of the intersection of Prince of Wales Drive and Fisher Avenue and it conveys Nepean Creek from the stormwater pond into the Rideau River.
In order to minimize disruption to traffic, a renewal solution has been developed which does not require a deep excavation across Prince of Wales Drive. Instead, a new concrete pipe will be tunneled parallel to the existing culvert and then once the creek has been diverted into the new pipe, a second concrete pipe will be slip-lined inside the existing culvert in order to provide the required hydraulic capacity. In preparation for this work, Enbridge Gas relocated a high pressure gas main along the west shoulder of Prince of Wales Drive last fall.
Cycle path safety improvement measures at the Prince of Wales / Fisher Ave. intersection will also be incorporated into this project for efficiency and ease of coordination.
TRAFFIC IMPACT: No lane reductions on Prince of Wales Drive are anticipated, but some traffic disruption is to be expected due to temporary narrowing of lanes and staged lane shifts, in order to accommodate construction equipment accessing and egressing the work site on both sides of the road.
WHEN: Work will begin around mid July and is scheduled to be completed by the fall 2015.
To view the neighbourhood flyer that was circulated by the city, click on the following links. There is an English and French version for your convenience.
POW bridge culvert SN117640 renewal – pre-construction notice – June 2015 – FRENCH doc
POW bridge culvert SN117640 renewal – pre-construction notice – June 2015 – ENGLISH