26 Aug UPDATE: VIA Rail Canada’s Installation of Continuous Welded Rail in Ottawa
My office has received the following update from Via Rail officials on the continuous welded rail work expected to begin this week. More information on the project can be found in the attachment below. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned Via Rail representative or my office.
Re: VIA Rail Canada’s Installation of Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) in Ottawa
2016 04 27- CWR BEACHBURG Notice to Residents E FINAL
On behalf of VIA Rail Canada I am pleased to provide an update on the CWR installation, which will begin this week and will continue over the course of the coming months. This work will allow for the elimination of bolted joined rail track with continuous welded rail in VIA’s right-of-way. This reminder follows notices sent to residents and elected officials in April (see attached) and July 2016. The elimination of the joints will reduce considerably noise and vibration emanating from the tracks and will reduce sporadic maintenance formerly required on the jointed rails.
While civil works began earlier this summer and the delivery and distribution of materials took place in recent weeks, joint elimination, track surfacing, rail welding and de-stressing will begin this week. This construction will be undertaken at night when trains are not operating and work should not remain static in one location for more than four to six nights. The work will begin in the west and move east toward the Ottawa main station.
All schedules and timeframes are estimates and are subject to contractor availability, weather and equipment performance. If you have any questions regarding the above or if you would like to discuss any other issue regarding the railway infrastructure in your area, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Best regards,
Melanie Book
Senior Advisor, Government and Community Relations
Conseillère principale, Relations avec les gouvernements et les collectivités
VIA Rail Canada Inc.
40 rue Elgin Street, Suite 401 – Ottawa – Ontario – K1P 1C7
T : 613.907.8355
C : 613-290-3221