14 May Updated Property Maintenance Services Q&A document, prepared by By-law and Regulatory Services
Property Maintenance Services Q&A
1. As a resident, can I perform maintenance on my own property?
Yes. There is nothing preventing you from maintaining your own yard or opening your own pool yourself.
2. What types of work can landscapers and property maintenance businesses currently perform?
Landscapers and property maintenance businesses are permitted to provide services, including lawn cutting, dethatching, rolling, fertilizing, pest control (in accordance with relevant regulations), clearing yard/garden and other post-winter debris, aeration, and other beautification projects, including planting flowers, mulching, and gardening.
The installation of new pools is permitted if an approved pool enclosure permit has been issued through the City of Ottawa. Pool openings and maintenance is also deemed essential in order to address issues associated with stagnant water.
Before any landscaping and property maintenance business provide their services, they should ensure they meet the requirements set out under the Ontario Provincial Emergency Order for essential businesses.
The installation of decks and fences that do not require a building permit are also permitted to commence. In addition, businesses must follow physical distancing rules while on a job site.
If the City’s By-law and Regulatory Services receives a complaint, it will be investigated, and a determination will be made as to whether enforcement is appropriate.
3. What types of work continue to be prohibited?
Please visit the Ontario website, list of essential businesses for more information.
4. Why is there no itemized list of types of services that may be provided?
Given the wide variety of businesses and services, it is not feasible to put forward a list of services, as work may be considered essential in certain circumstances, and not essential in others. There are many variables and each situation may be different.
As such, BLRS will examine each situation on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the service is essential, and enforcement is appropriate.
5. If a landscaper or property maintenance company is conducting work, what steps should they take to protect their employees?
Landscaping and property maintenance businesses should ensure that they and their staff continue to follow the health precautions recommended by Ottawa Public Health including:
• Practice physical distancing – stay six feet away from one another
• No more than five workers should attend the work site
• Stay home if sick
• Wash hands with soap and water frequently (for at least 20 seconds)
• Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces frequently
• Encourage workers to wear non-medical masks
• Workers who have travelled outside of Canada, or have symptoms, must self-isolate in accordance with public health requirements
For a printable version of these questions and answers, click HERE.
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