Author: River Ward Office

1026-1054 Hunt Club Road Development Proposal Update - File will be considered at the Planning Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 23. Copy of the report and planning staff recommendation can be found at the following link 1026 - 1054 Hunt Club Road Report.  As many residents may...

Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is establishing a Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). The mandate of the PAC is to advise on the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department’s policy priorities and its annual work plan and may also include other matters as they arise. Several...

Register now for winter recreation fun Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is helping residents fulfill their New Year’s resolutions and start 2018 in a fun and active way. Thousands of classes are starting soon at City recreation and culture facilities, and the time to register...

The City of Ottawa's Planning Department has received the formal circulation of the planning application for 716 and 770 Brookfield Road.  It has been nearly 3 years since the last development proposal for this site.  The plan is to construct two, phased apartment building complexes, intended...

The City of Ottawa's Planning Department has received an official development application for the property at 716 and 770 Brookfield Road. The applications are for Zoning By-law amendment and Site Plan approval. This site is located on the south side of Brookfield Road, between Riverside Drive...