Canadensis Botanical Garden Society, hosts of this year's Beyond the Edge : Artists' Garden, invite residents to the inaugural launch this coming Thursday, June 16 starting at 5:30 PM. This exhibit will be on until September 16. The opening takes place off Prince of Wales...
Saturday, June 18, 2016 19th Annual Alexander Fun Day being hosted by the Alexander Community Centre, with assistance from the Alexander Community Association, at Alexander Park from 10am to 2pm. Games, activities, contests, and a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament.
Sunday, July 3, 2016—Annual Central Park Family Fun Day from 11am until 3pm. This event may still be cancelled, if we don’t get more volunteers from the neighbourhood.
Ottawa Celebrates 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Immigration to Canada This year marks a historical milestone for Ukrainian-Canadians – the 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada. There are over 1.3 million Canadians of Ukrainian descent, of those, 25,000 live in Ottawa. The Capital Ukrainian Festival...
The Capital Ukrainian Festival Kicks off its 4-Day Festival with a Free Evening of Films Circle Thursday, July 21, 2016 for a free evening of award winning films showcasing Ukrainian-Canadian culture and history. Designed to appeal to a variety of audiences, genres include: comedy, sports,...
This fall, like last year, the HCCO is partnering with the South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre (SEOCHC), the Riverside Park Community and Recreation Association (RPCRA) and the City of Ottawa's Hunt Club-Riverside Park Community Centre to host ... our Community Fall Festival. This event will...