Events from November 26, 2016 – December 14, 2016 › General › – Page 3 – Riley Brockington, City Councillor (River Ward)

Carlington Fall Arts Showcase

Alexander Community Centre 960 Silver Street, Ottawa, ON, Canada

FALL ARTS SHOWCASE - Saturday, November 26th from 2 - 4 (set up from 11 - 1:30) at the Alexander Community Centre.

St. Elizabeth Church Bazaar

St. Elizabeth Parish 1303 Leaside Ave, Ottawa, ON, Canada

December 3rd, 2016: St Elizabeth Christmas Bazaar, 10-2. 1303 Leaside Ave corner of Merivale. Bake sale, knitted, crochet goods, crafts, white elephant table, Christmas cakes, raffle. Lunch 11-1pm Adults $5. Child $3. Free admission. 613 725-2242.

St. Elias Antiochian Women’s Christmas Bake Sale & Luncheon

St. Elias Centre 750 Ridgewood Ave, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Saturday December 3rd, 10:30am - 1:30pm @ St. Elias Centre Lunch served from 11am. Eat in or take home. Pre-Order Deadline: Nov. 20/16 For more information and order forms, please contact Susanne at 613-731-2455 or email:

Voices in Harmony Concert at Carleton Memorial United Church

Carleton Memorial United Church 740 Melfa Crescent, Ottawa, ON, Canada

What: Voices in Harmony Concert at Carleton Memorial United Church Carleton Memorial United Church celebrates the Christmas season through music on Saturday, December 3rd at 2 pm. Voices in Harmony, a 60-voice choir, will perform a 90-minute program of choral favourites and traditional Christmas carols....

Mooney’s Bay XC Ski Centre Open House

Mooneys Bay Park 2960 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada

The Mooney's Bay Cross Country Ski Centre is hosting an information night on Monday, December 12th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Drop by anytime between 6pm and 8:30pm for information on the centre, waxing, ski clothing, and more! Terry Fox Athletic Centre, Riverside Drive, at Mooney's...