November 18, 2017—St. Elias Pre-Order Bake Sale and Luncheon. 10:30am-1:30pm, at the St. Elias Centre at 750 Ridgewood Ave . Hosted by the St. Elias Cathedral Antiochian Women. The food is traditional Lebanese food, hand made by the Antiochian Women’s Organization of St. Elias Cathedral....
Although the project limits for this functional design study do not fall within River Ward, many residents may find the design of these new cycling facilities of interest, given their proximity. Project P1-19 is listed in the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan as segregated cycling facilities...
St Elizabeth of the Visitation Church (1303 Leaside Ave, corner of Merivale Road,) will be hosting a Christmas Bazaar again. The date is Saturday December 2nd, 2017. From 10 – 2p.m.. Lunch will be served from 11 - 1p.m.. Soup or chili with a bun...
December 2, 2017 - Christmas Messy Church at Riverside United Church, 4-6pm. Come hear the Christmas message, learn, sing and celebrate together.