10 Sep How to navigate the new Confederation Line
For those who missed the two Ready for Rail Public Information Nights that I co-hosted with my council colleagues on August 26 and September 9 respectively, here is some handy information and a great video that was received to help residents navigate the Confederation Line.
Here are some helpful documents that may be of benefit:
Welcome aboard! O-Train Line 1 opens September 14
Ottawa – OC Transpo will welcome customers aboard O-Train Line 1, the Confederation Line, starting at 2 pm on Saturday, September 14. Thirteen beautiful new stations will open to the public, connecting to major destinations across the city. Trains run frequently and provide a safe and reliable service between Tunney’s Pasture Station in the west and Blair Station in the east. OC Transpo staff will be at all stations to welcome customers to the new service. Look for OC Transpo staff in red vests.
Top five things to know about the train
Getting there is easy: More than 100 bus routes connect to the train, or you can walk, bike, or ride a mobility device—every station is fully accessible. Just look for the big red O!
Same fare, better service: A trip on the train costs the same as on the bus, and the normal 90-minute transfer period applies so customers do not have to pay twice when transferring. Tunney’s Pasture, Blair, and Hurdman Stations will have fare-paid zones, so customers can easily transfer between buses and trains.
Tap and go: Fare gates make entering the station a breeze. Customers simply tap their smartcard or scan their barcoded transfer.
Ticket machines at every station: They are fully accessible and great for those who want to pay with cash, debit or credit. You can also purchase or reload a Presto card, and even video-chat with customer service.
We are here to help: OC Transpo staff will be at all stations every day until mid-October.
Avoid the crowd—the train runs every day
Customers can avoid the crowds on September 14 and try riding the train any day after. Service runs 5 am to 1 am from Monday to Thursday; 5 am to 2 am on Fridays; 6 am to 2 am on Saturdays; and 8 am to 11 pm on Sundays.
Visit octranspo.com for more information about opening day activities and the three-week transition period that will follow.
Three-week transition period
When O-Train Line 1 opens, current bus routes will remain for three weeks to give customers a chance to try the new train. On Sunday, October 6, the bus network will undergo major changes to align with Line 1 service. Customers should use the Travel Planner on octranspo.com to find out how their route will change.
Real-time schedule information is available 24 hours a day by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the four‑digit bus stop number. For more details, travel planning assistance and new timetables, customers are encouraged to visit octranspo.com for detailed information. Customers can also call OC Transpo at 613-741-4390 if needed.