Recent News

Council receives roadmap for recovery phase of COVID-19 City Manager Steve Kanellakos briefed City Council today on the City’s roadmap for the recovery phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. He outlined the coordinated City teamwork that is underway to sustain, recover and rebuild services, with a strong focus...

Please find below, the links to the presentations at today's City Council Meeting from both the City Manager and Dr. Etches of Ottawa Public Health. (Click the appropriate image to open the presentation)         Below are the presentations from today on Stage 1 Confederation Line...

The City of Ottawa is holding a virtual town hall on COVID-19 in Ottawa on Thursday, May 14 at 3 pm. All residents are invited to join us for an update on urgent community issues and answers to your questions about the COVID-19 pandemic. To maintain...

New measures have been implemented at the four City of Ottawa Long-Term Care Homes as of Thursday, May 7 to facilitate visitors on the grounds of the Homes while ensuring the safety of residents, visitors, and staff. Process for scheduled visits Visitors are asked to contact the...

The City of Ottawa is extending a challenge to our business community: send us your proposals for technology innovations that will accelerate Ottawa’s ability to get the workforce back to work and safely resume business operations. In the months ahead, the gradual easing of pandemic restrictions...

My office has received a copy of the Spring 2020 Construction Notices for the Stage 2 Trillium Line South Extension project which will also be posted on As construction works and designs progress, the project management team will continue to distribute notices of impactful work...