Recent News

Ottawa – It will be another busy weekend in Ottawa with special events and activities that will impact traffic in different areas of the city. A full list of impacts can be found on the traffic report on the City’s website. Some of the special events...

Canada Day activities and schedule changes Ottawa – The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes for Canada Day, Saturday, July 1. Client services: Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centre located at 110 Laurier...

[caption id="attachment_13045" align="alignleft" width="169"] Photo taken by Councillor Brockington at the June 16, 2017 funding announcement at Belfast Yard.[/caption] Ottawa – Mayor Jim Watson was pleased to welcome Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the Belfast Yard Maintenance and Storage Facility today, where the Government of Canada...

June 12, 2017 – OC Transpo’s O-Train Trillium Line service will be temporarily replaced by Route 107 bus service from Saturday, June 17 until Friday, June 30 in order to complete planned maintenance activities. This work is taking place during the summer, when ridership is...

I am pleased to inform you, after three meetings with the Ottawa Public Library, all bookmobile times and locations for River Ward have been reviewed and some modifications will be made as of July 3, 2017. I have been successful in acquiring a new location outside...

 Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is launching Ottawa Fit 150 with a special two-for-one offer available to anyone who visits select recreation facilities on National Fitness Day, Saturday, June 3. Twenty-three facilities will host open houses on June 3 during their regular hours of operation...

1354 and 1376 Carling Avenue Development Proposal (Travelodge Hotel) Public Meeting and Open House Tuesday, June 13 at 7pm Travelodge Hotel – 1376 Carling Avenue Planning Application for 1354 and 1376 Carling Avenue (Travelodge Hotel) Dear Neighbour, The City of Ottawa’s Planning Department has received concurrent Site Plan Control and Zoning...

Development Proposal for 2887 Riverside Drive - Youth Services Bureau Supportive Housing Project The Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa (YSB) is proposing to redevelop their facility at 2887 Riverside Drive. The proposal will include the construction of a new four-storey, 39-unit low rise apartment building that...

Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Site Plan Control Proposal for a Retirement Home and Hotel at 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road The City of Ottawa’s Planning Department will be considering a future planning application for a senior’s residence and hotel at 1026-1054 Hunt Club Road....