Recent News

City seeking public input on a commemorative naming proposal        Ottawa – The City of Ottawa Commemorative Naming Committee is conducting public consultations on a proposal to commemoratively name the Heron Road Bridge, which spans the Rideau River, the “Heron Road Workers Memorial Bridge.” Heron Road Workers Memorial...

Meath Street (between Carling Avenue and Thames Street) Road, Sewer and Watermain Construction Beginning at the end of May 2016 the City will begin work in your neighbourhood. This work is being conducted to rehabilitate the roadway, sewers and watermain in your community. WHO:      The City of Ottawa...

Ottawa – Residents are invited to provide feedback as the City prepares a new, stand-alone by-law to regulate right-of-way patios – patios that operate on City sidewalks and boulevards. You can learn more on about how patios are currently regulated through a broader existing by-law,...

An open house and public meeting for the 1309 Carling Avenue (Westgate Mall) planning application will take place on Monday, June 20, 2016 at the Best Western Hotel, Ottawa Room, 1274 Carling Avenue from 6pm-8pm. All residents are welcome to learn more about the proposed...

I am pleased to share with you an electronic copy of my community bulletin that was recently mailed to the homes of River Ward.  Should you have any suggestions for future content, please give my office a call at 613-580-2486. The next edition will be out...

Participate in an online questionnaire about the new Ottawa Central Library location Help shape the criteria that will be used to evaluate potential locations for the new flagship Ottawa Central Library. You have until Thursday, June 9 (midnight) to complete the questionnaire online at, or...

MINOR VARIANCE/PERMISSION APPLICATION – 1400 Carling Embassy West Hotel, Conference Centre, and Senior Living In 2007, the Committee granted Minor Variance application (D08-02-07/A-00455) for the renovation of the existing five-storey building (Embassy West Hotel and Suites) into a retirement home and the addition of a tower...

It's that time again! Time for the 2nd annual, River Ward, Seniors' Strawberry Social. This year, the events are being held at the Hunt Club - Riverside Park Community Centre on June 8th and at the Alexander Community Centre on June 9th. Please RSVP ahead of time so...

Mayor’s Rural Expo and Food Aid Day in support of the Ottawa Food Bank celebrate rural Ottawa Ottawa – Local food producers and businesses will share some of the best that rural Ottawa has to offer at the Mayor’s Rural Expo and Food Aid Day...

Ottawa – To accommodate final paving, the ramps that joining Colonel By Drive and Bronson Avenue will be closed overnight, as follows: The eastbound/westbound Colonel By Drive off-ramp to southbound Bronson Avenue will be closed from 9 p.m. Tuesday, May 24 to 5 a.m. Wednesday, May...

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) is launching a public consultation to gather feedback on changes being considered to its service delivery model. These changes are part of a strategy at the OPS, called the Service Initiative program, which is designed to improve how we serve the...