01 Apr River Ward E-Newsletter, April 1, 2023 | Bulletin électronique de Quartier Rivière, 1 Avril, 2023
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Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward,
Happy April.
Many of us will be retrieving bicycles from garages, basements and apartment storage rooms, with hopes for good weather and cleared pathways to get out for the first ride of the season.
The warm sunshine is welcome and spring flowers slowly make their presence seen. April showers bring May flowers.
April is also a Holy month for many River Ward residents with Ramadan (March 22 – April 20), Passover (April 5-13), Good Friday (April 7), Easter (April 9) and Orthodox Easter (April 16). My very best wishes to you and your family during this special time of the year.
There are a few events I am hosting this month that I will draw to your attention: Community Breakfast (April 8), Earth Day (April 22) and River Ward Jazz Matinee (April 29). See details in this month’s e-newsletter. The Mother’s Day High Tea and Strawberry Social are planned for May and June respectively.
I look forward to seeing you at a local event soon.
Stay safe, stay well.Riley Brockington