01 Sep River Ward E-Newsletter, September 1, 2021 | Bulletin electronique de Quartier Rivière 1 septembre 2021
River Ward Community Update
Dear friends and neighbours of River Ward,
I trust you have had a safe and enjoyable summer. It was a hot one. The cooler nights are welcome.
September means back to school and some schools have already started with the majority of children, youth and teens back next week. Our roads will become much busier. School zones will resemble ant farms. Please be mindful of our youngest residents as they venture out in the morning and on their return trip home in the afternoon. Slow down in residential communities and obey school bus stop signals, crossing guards and all school zone signage.
Two major planning files, the master site plan for the new Civic Hospital location and new Official Plan were re-scheduled out of September. Both matters will now be debated in October.
River Ward’s community association’s gear up again this month after a summer break and remain a great local conduit for information sharing and discussion on local issues. If you are interested in attending your local community association’s meeting, let me know and I will connect you. For example, on September 8, the Riverside Park Community Association will meet and City representatives will attend to provide an overview of planned bicycles lanes for Walkley Road. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the possibilities being considered.
Take care and be safe.
Riley Brockington
City Councillor, Conseiller municipal
River Ward, Quartier Rivière
For the full e-newsletter, click HERE (en français aussi)
For previous issues, click HERE (en français aussi)