18 Jul Site Plan Proposal for 1400 Carling Avenue
Site Plan Proposal for 1400 Carling Avenue
Applicant’s Proposal
The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to amend the existing Site Plan approval to provide a public amenity area at the corner of Carling Avenue and Meath Street.
Proposal Details
The property is located at the southwest corner of Carling Avenue and Meath Street.
The property contains an existing five-storey retirement home known as “Embassy West Hotel and Suites”. In 2009, Site Plan Control approval was granted to permit the addition of two 10-storey towers, located at the west and east ends of the existing building.
The owners have since revised their plans and applied for Minor Variance approval to permit a height of 12 storeys for the eastern tower. The proposed public amenity area is intended to support this application, as per the Official Plan Amendment 150, which states in part, that on an Arterial Mainstreet, buildings up to a maximum of 12 storeys may be considered “where the development provides community amenity”.
Essentially the “public amenity area” that is proposed is a common seating area at the northeast corner of the site (corner of Carling and Meath) that would be usable by both the residents of the retirement home on-site as well as the general public. The present Site Plan Control approval contains only landscaping for this corner as well as walkways to and from the site.
Timelines and Approval Authority
The “On Time Decision”, the target date upon which a decision on the application is to be rendered by the Planning and Growth Management Department, via delegated authority, is August 14, 2016.
How to Provide Comments
For additional information or to provide comments, please contact:
Robert Sandercott
Development Review, Urban Services
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
(613) 580-2424, ext. 14270
Site Plan Control Proposal 1400 Carling
*Please provide comments by July 29, 2016.
Site Plan Control Proposal 1400 Carling
EmbassyWest-PUBLIC AMENITY JULY 20 2016