
FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION This notification is to inform you that Aecon will be performing work on behalf of Enbridge at the intersection of Hunt Club and Paul Anka. Duration: Weekdays from May 15th to May 20th we will be performing work in the evening...

The City of Ottawa will provide information sessions on the current flooding situation.  In attendance will be representatives from the Insurance Bureau of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross, Ottawa Public Health, the City of Ottawa’s Public Works and Environmental Services Department and the Ontario Ministry...

Carlington Pump Station - Potable Water Pump Station Design and Construction Project Notice Delivered to Residents PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION Monday, May 15th, 2017 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Carlington Recreation Centre (Gymnasium) 1520 Caldwell Ave, Ottawa, ON K1Z 8H5 Dear Resident, The City of Ottawa invites you to attend a Public Information Session to...

Three times the Try it! fun in May Ottawa – Ottawa residents are invited to take advantage of the Try it! program in May, when they can sample a variety of fitness opportunities at City recreation facilities, all for free. Simply visit a participating facility to set...

Public Advisory: Break & enters into sheds & garages FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, April 24, 2017   12:40pm  (Ottawa) — The Ottawa Police Break & Enter Unit has started to see an increase in reports of break & enters into insecure sheds & garages.     With the arrival of warmer...

Ottawa – Starting Sunday, April 23, OC Transpo will introduce new route numbers for many routes as part of getting ready for the opening of the O-Train Confederation Line in 2018. Other spring service changes include adjusted schedules and seasonal reductions to reflect the lower...

The Boys and Girls Club located at 1463 Prince of Wales Drive (corner of Prince of Wales and Hog’s Back) will be submitting a Site Plan Application to the City of Ottawa Planning Department this spring for expansion of the facility.  Their expansion plan consists of a...

Let’s get Ready for Rail! The O-Train Confederation Line will transform OC Transpo’s current bus-centered system into a multi-modal transit system, and will completely change the city’s landscape and the way people get around. The City wants to help you get Ready for Rail so that you...

Ottawa – The City of Ottawa’s By-law and Regulatory Services Branch is conducting a Noise By-law review, and residents are invited to provide their feedback through an online public consultation survey or by attending one of the three public workshops. The online survey runs until...

River Ward hosts more festivals and special events than any other ward in Ottawa, outside of the downtown core. We are a vibrant community that is blessed with green space and the Rideau River. It is a natural attraction to many organizations to host their...

Ottawa – Ottawa Fire Services is placing a city-wide fire ban into effect immediately to prevent the rapid spread of fire due to grass and brush fires. This ban will remain in place until conditions improve and the green grass starts to show through dead...