
Ottawa – City staff will deliver a presentation to residents on the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit (LRT) project and take residents’ questions in an online interactive session. City staff will be available to speak with media following the question-and-answer period with residents. Date: Wednesday, March...

Please join me and my council colleagues at the Hunt Club - Riverside Park Community Centre this Wednesday to watch the live broadcast of the city's Public Information Session on Stage 2 LRT. You will be able to submit questions through the facilitators on site.  Alternately,...

Please find below the City of Ottawa's press release regarding the approval of the Stage 2 Light Rail Transit plan by the Finance and Economic Development Committee today. While I do not sit on this committee, and therefore cannot vote on the plan at this...

The City of Ottawa has refined its plans to expand the LRT Network to coincide with the opening of the LRT Phase 1 next year. Phase 2 calls for an eastern expansion from Blair Station to Trim Road in Orleans, a western expansion from Tunney’s...

Ottawa – The launch of a process for public feedback on the proposed redevelopment of the Château Laurier was announced today at the City’s Planning Committee. The City has received a Site Plan Control application for the development and that information is now publicly available at...

Ottawa – There are activites for the whole family, and the following service and schedule changes are in place for Family Day on Monday, February 20. Mayor Jim Watson invites residents to join him for the Mayor’s Annual Family Day Skating Party from 11 a.m. to...

The Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCH) is proposing the development of an additional 16 units to their existing property at 3225 Uplands Drive (Ashgrove). I would like to thank all residents who came out to the public meeting on February 8 night to learn more about...

February 7, 2017 – The City of Ottawa is warning residents to be vigilant of door-to-door salespeople making false claims about the quality of City drinking water. The City has received complaints from residents who have been contacted by vendors selling water-filtration or treatment systems and...

Thursday, February 23 7:00pm-8:30pm Presenters include: Ottawa Police Services & Crime Prevention Ottawa. Park Place Retirement Residence 120 Central Park Drive – Lower Level City Councillor Riley Brockington invites residents of the Central Park Community to join him for a Community Safety Night on Thursday, February 23rd from 7:00pm-8:30pm at...

February 4, 2017 - Ottawa –City Councillor Riley Brockington brought together young adults from across River Ward on Saturday, February 4, 2017 for the first River Ward Young Adult Summit. Geared towards residents aged 13-20, the Summit provided the attendees with an opportunity to bring...

Ottawa – Get the most out of Winterlude by spending less time driving and more time having fun. Winterlude runs every weekend from February 3 to 20 with many activities happening at or near City facilities. Here are some travel tips to help you get...