Hogs Back Dam and Fixed Bridge Construction Update – Feb 11, 2019
My office has received the following notice from Parks Canada regarding the ongoing construction at the Hogs Back Dam and Fixed Bridge. ...
My office has received the following notice from Parks Canada regarding the ongoing construction at the Hogs Back Dam and Fixed Bridge. ...
Update - Jan 21, 2019 - Parking Ban is now lifted. Special Advisory: Winter overnight parking ban in effect Ottawa – Due to weather conditions, a winter overnight parking ban is in effect tonight between 1 a.m. and 7 a.m. across Ottawa. This overnight parking ban will...
The City of Ottawa’s Planning Department has received a Site Plan Control Application for the property at 1900-1910 Bank Street. The subject property is a vacant piece of land on the west side of Bank Street, approximately 225m south of Walkley Road and adjacent to...
Updating a previous post, Councillor Jeff Leiper and I are co-hosting a Public Open House on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 from 6:30pm-8:00pm at the Alexander Community Centre, 960 Silver Street. All residents are invited to attend the open house to learn more about the first...
Residents are invited to attend a Public Open House for the proposed development at 3930-3960 Riverside Drive on Wednesday, January 16, 2019 from 7pm-9pm at the Riverside Churches, 3191 Riverside Drive. There will be no formal presentation. Representatives from Taggart as well as City staff...
Starting Monday, January 7, Elgin Street will be closed to traffic from Somerset Street to Catherine Street. Additionally, there will be traffic impacts on Elgin Street between Laurier Avenue and Somerset Street: One southbound lane will remain open along Elgin Street from Laurier Avenue to...
OC Transpo adjusts schedules for holidays, offers free service for New Year’s Eve and introduces new route in Barrhaven Ottawa – Special holiday service will run from December 24 to January 4, so customers should check their schedule before heading out. Transit is the safe and reliable...
Today, I provided an update to residents on the development at 1354 and 1376 Carling Avenue, currently occupied by the Travelodge Hotel. On August 29, 2018 City Council approved the zoning bylaw amendment application to allow this development to move forward. At this time, the...
On Saturday, December 8, I hosted a public open house for residents to review some options for new play equipment and features coming to Alexander Park. I thank all residents and families that were able to attend the public open house. For any residents that...
Today at City Council, City staff tabled a report with information and recommendations to inform City Council’s decision to either allow cannabis retail outlets in Ottawa or keep them outside of the municipal boundary when the province allows storefronts starting on April 1. City Council...
Operation Big Turkey will return once again to the Carlington Recreation Centre on Caldwell Avenue on Christmas Eve, Dec 24 from 12:30 -2:00pm and the Hunt Club - Riverside Park Community Centre from 2:30-4:30pm. All are welcome, regardless of income, address or position. Join your...
Join me, along with City Councillor Diane Deans, as we discuss safety in our community with the Ottawa Police Service, Crime Prevention Ottawa and the John Howard Society. Thursday, December 6, 2018 from 5:30-7:30pm at the Greenboro Community Centre, 363 Lorry Greenberg Drive. ...