Recent News

Register now for winter recreation fun Ottawa – The City of Ottawa is helping residents fulfill their New Year’s resolutions and start 2018 in a fun and active way. Thousands of classes are starting soon at City recreation and culture facilities, and the time to register...

OC Transpo will introduce the new EquiFare, an affordable single-fare ride option for low-income OC Transpo customers, for use beginning on January 1, 2018. At a cost of $1.75 per single-fare ride, the new EquiFare was approved by City Council on December 13. The EquiFare complements the...

The City of Ottawa announced its plans today to get everyone home safely on New Year’s Eve. OC Transpo, in partnership with the CAA North and East Ontario (Canadian Automobile Association,) MADD Ottawa Chapter (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and the City’s Safer Roads Ottawa Program...

         Click on the posters above to enlarge them. The volunteer form is listed below with more information on the positions to be filled.   VOLUNTEER APPLICATION FORM Parental_form  ...

The City of Ottawa's Planning Department has received the formal circulation of the planning application for 716 and 770 Brookfield Road.  It has been nearly 3 years since the last development proposal for this site.  The plan is to construct two, phased apartment building complexes, intended...

It is not at all uncommon to see coyotes in the city, especially in areas which are close to forested and agricultural areas.  At this time of year in particular, they do come into our more urban areas looking for food.  They will not harm...

The City of Ottawa's Planning Department has received an official development application for the property at 716 and 770 Brookfield Road. The applications are for Zoning By-law amendment and Site Plan approval. This site is located on the south side of Brookfield Road, between Riverside Drive...

I am pleased to partner with Operation Big Turkey this year to help host two special free turkey dinners on Christmas eve.  All residents, regardless of age, income or location, are invited to join us for a special meal at one of the two locations...

3071 Riverside Drive Future Site of City Park Park Survey Link The City of Ottawa is commencing preliminary consultation on the new park to be built at 3071 Riverside Drive. Development applications from Canoe Bay Developments Inc. have been submitted to develop the property located at 3071 Riverside Drive...