Recent News

The annual Capital Pride parade will take place on Sunday, August 21, starting at 1:15 p.m. Motorists should expect road closures and lane reductions on the following streets between 7 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.: Bank Street between Catherine Street and Gladstone Avenue – closed in both directions Gladstone...

In the continued effort to increase awareness about the Community Association Liaisons program, an information sheet has been created for the benefits of community associations. Included in the attached information sheet are details such as program management, the objective of the program, and the roles...

Do you want to shake up your routine? Check out the fall and winter edition of the online Recreation eGuide and Mon guide francophone des loisirs to discover the great selection of fitness, arts and general-interest classes that the City is offering for all ages and abilities. Here...

Ottawa –Tickets to the Interprovincial Picnic on the Bridge will go on sale at 10 a.m. today. A Canadian first, the Interprovincial Picnic on the Bridge will take place on the Alexandra Bridge on July 2, 2017. The iconic steel truss structure that spans the...

Ottawa – For the next two Sundays, August 14 and August 21, the O-Train service on the Trillium Line will be temporarily replaced by Route 107 bus service, to facilitate planned maintenance activities. While the majority of Trillium Line maintenance activity will take place overnight,...

Carlington Pump Station Design Field Work As part of the preliminary design phase of the planned expanded Carlington Pumping Station, the City of Ottawa will be conducting locates of the existing water main at the pumping station site. Location services are expected to take place this...

LRT Walkley Station Connectivity Meeting As part of the LRT Stage 2 project  which will extend the Trillium Line further south , the City of Ottawa has undertaken a Stage 2 Station Connectivity Study to ensure that community connections are preserved or enhanced along the Trillium...

Gas Main Repair at 934 Hunt Club Road Residents are advised that Enbridge Gas will be repairing a gas main located at 934 Hunt Club Road (near McCarthy/Downpatrick) beginning on August 2 with completion expected by August 15 or sooner. Enbridge will be hydrovacing and completing a...

Ottawa - The City of Ottawa reminds residents of the following schedule changes for Colonel By Day, Monday, August 1. Client services: Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centre located at 110 Laurier Avenue West, will be closed. Business...

Road closures during the Ottawa Triathlon Ottawa – The Ottawa Triathlon will take place on Saturday, July 23 and Sunday, July 24. Motorists should expect road closures along the race route, which includes Colonel By Drive, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Preston Street south of Carling Avenue, Prince...

Site Plan Proposal for 1400 Carling Avenue Applicant’s Proposal The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan application to amend the existing Site Plan approval to provide a public amenity area at the corner of Carling Avenue and Meath Street. Proposal Details The property is located at the...