Recent News

The City’s Planning Department has received an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment application for the property at 1309 Carling Avenue, currently known as Westgate Mall. The proposed redevelopment of the site will consist of mixed-use towers, as well as underground and surface parking....

The City’s Planning Department has received a zoning bylaw amendment application for 890 Greenbriar Avenue. The applicant wishes to rezone the site to allow for the development of two townhouse blocks comprising of nine total units. The proposal is a mirror image with similar architectural style...

UPDATE - Tuesday, February 16, 2016 The purpose of this post is to share with residents information received from public works about today’s extreme winter weather event and to highlight the City’s preparations for the event. Weather Conditions A winter storm warning has been issued by Environment Canada for...

As part of the 2015 Council-approved By-law Review Strategy, Council directed city staff to review Schedule 29 of the Business Licensing By-law (2002-189, as amended), respecting pet shops, to consider restricting the sale of cats, dogs and rabbits in pet shops to adoption through specific...

The City of Ottawa will distribute the Request for Expressions of Interest  (REOI) document for 3071 Riverside Drive to developers, builders and interested parties. Through the Ottawa Community Lands and Development Corporation the REOI is seeking input to purchase and develop the vacant lands. For your benefit,...

Ottawa – Councillor Stephen Blais, Chair of the Transit Commission, and John Manconi, OC Transpo General Manager, along with City personnel delivered a technical briefing today on the last phases of transit service adjustments to allow for O-Train Confederation Line construction. Transit service between Laurier and...

The City’s Planning Committee will be considering a zoning bylaw amendment for 900 Merivale Road at the committee meeting of February 9, 2016. The Carling Community Health Centre has applied for an expansion to their current establishment at 900 Merivale Road at Coldrey Avenue. The purpose of...

I am pleased to share with you the following News Release, sent out this morning, announcing my appointment as Chair of the upcoming Summit on Education and the Economy. S'il vous plaît trouver ci-dessous la version française du communiqué de presse. News Release - Summit on...

As the season gets underway, up-to-date conditions on rinks in Ottawa are available by visiting  For a list of rinks in the City of Ottawa, visit the city website. I am happy to report that as of Monday, January 18th, 2016, all of the River...

Ottawa Public Health (OPH) is seeking feedback from residents and stakeholders on proposed options to protect the public from the harms of second-hand smoke and vapour from the smoking of non-tobacco combustible substances and the use of electronic cigarettes in public places and workplaces. The Let’s...