Recent News

Premier Ford announced today that the province of Ontario has now entered a state of emergency effective immediately. The Premier has also announced effective Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with...

Check out our Virtual Arts and Recreation Centre! Start 2021 with a new virtual hobby. The City will be offering a wide range of classes including arts, cooking, fitness, meditation, languages and more. These courses are offered in a real-time, live stream, interactive format. Firstly, there...

OC Transpo fares are changing on January 1, 2021. All fares, except the EquiPass, Community Pass, and Access Pass, will increase by an average of 2.5 per cent to keep pace with inflation and the cost of providing transportation. There is no increase to EquiPass, Community...

Welcome to the second edition of the new Civic development CheckPoint! The new Civic development project team continues to work towards the completion of Stage 2 of the Capital Planning process, scheduled for delivery to Ontario’s Ministry of Health in early 2021. The team is focused...

The City’s Standing Committee on Environmental Protection, Water and Waste Management today received an update on the Climate Change Master Plan. This is the City’s plan to transition to clean, renewable energy and making Ottawa more resilient to the effects of climate change. Council declared a...

The City of Ottawa is notifying everyone who subscribes to the OC Transpo My Alerts system that their email address and their password to the system may have been compromised. No financial or credit card information was affected. The OC Transpo My Alerts system allows customers to...

Residents who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired can now connect with a sign language interpreter to access real-time interpretation for telephone calls to the City. The City launched this new video relay service as part of International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Using Canada...