Recent News

Dear Residents in the Hunt Club Community, I am sharing below a letter I have received from Hydro Ottawa about upcoming service improvements in your area. ================================================================ September 5, 2017 Councillor Riley Brockington City of Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1 Dear Councillor Brockington, Re: Hydro Ottawa Project #92011984 -...

Ottawa Civic Hospital Zoning Meeting The City of Ottawa Planning Department is hosting a public meeting to discuss the Official Plan and Zoning Amendment Proposals for the new Ottawa Civic Hospital location at 930 Carling Avenue and 520 Preston Street. The public meeting is scheduled...

OC Transpo Route 14 Public Meeting I will be hosting a Public Information Session to discuss planned changes to Route 14 and other OC Transpo routes in anticipation of the opening of the O-Train Confederation Line in 2018. The meeting will take place on Thursday, September 21...

The City of Ottawa reminds residents of the following schedule changes for Labour Day, Monday, September 4. Client services: Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centre located at 110 Laurier Avenue West, will be closed. Business will resume as usual...

Hunt Club Road Cycling Link(Riverside Drive to Paul Benoit Driveway) Online Consultation (for design process) : August 21 to September 20, 2017 Overview The City of Ottawa is in the planning stage for improving quality and consistency in cycling facilities along Hunt Club Road between Riverside Drive and...

I would like to share with you the following update and attachments regarding the ongoing Dynes Road/Prince of Wales Drive Reconstruction project. Construction work for the Dynes Road and Prince of Wales Drive Reconstruction project is progressing.  In order to facilitate the Contractor’s installation of a...

July events for Ottawa 2017 From July 7 to 22, City Hall will be host to Ottawa’s first Sky Lounge, which offers fine dining 150 feet in the air. Tickets are still available to certain cocktail sessions for those seeking to heighten their senses. If you’re...

My office has received the following information on planned major construction work taking place at the Ottawa International Airport this summer. ***************************** As a part of its ongoing commitment to airside safety, the Airport Authority is undertaking two major airside construction projects scheduled for the summer of...

Interested residents are encouraged to share their feedback on the proposed plan for the Sue Holloway fitness park rebuild at Mooney's Bay Park. The new location at the south end of Mooney’s Bay Park and some of the fitness components were reviewed by a group of...

Ottawa – OC Transpo is the best travel option for residents and visitors heading to Bluesfest this year, with frequent, direct service to LeBreton Flats from July 6 to 16. A ticket to Bluesfest is also your ticket to ride transit. Bluesfest customers can ride the...

The City is formalizing current guidelines for snow plow driveway markers and is seeking feedback.  Background Markers used by private snow plow contractors to identify their customers’ driveways are prohibited by various Ottawa by-laws.  However, a pilot program has been in place during recent winters to allow...