Recent News

Ottawa – OC Transpo service will be operating on a reduced weekday schedule during March Break (March 14 to 18) when schools are closed and ridership is temporarily lower. Bus arrival times may be adjusted slightly compared to the usual weekday schedule, and during rush hour...

Ottawa – The City of Ottawa offers summer camps for children who have special needs, and parents seeking information on these camps can get the answers to all of their questions this weekend. Date: Saturday, March 12 Time:  10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Location: Jim Durrell...

The City of Ottawa is developing a new rate structure to fund its water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. This review is a Term of Council Priority with the primary objective to achieve fairness and equity for all beneficiaries while also ensuring the system’s financial sustainability. Public...

Spring is around the corner!  Spring and Summer programming opportunities exist at the Carleton Heights Community Centre.  I encourage residents to take a look and consider signing up for programming right here in River Ward. Click on the image below to see what programs are available...

I would like to notify residents of the upcoming Civic Hospital Public Information Session and provide you with the following information received from the Ottawa Hospital.  I am interested in your feedback on this project as well.  Please send your comments to   The Ottawa...

I would like to share with residents the following email content received by Public Works to update Members of Council about the March 1 & 2 winter weather event and to highlight the City’s ongoing preparations for the extreme event. Weather Conditions The forecast is showing moderate...

Airport Parkway Widening Environmental Assessment Open House #3 Thursday, March 10, 2016 Jim Durrell Recreation Centre – Ellwood Hall (1265 Walkley Road) 6 to 8:30 p.m. with presentation at 7 p.m. Dear Neighbours in Riverside Park and Hunt Club, The City of Ottawa is undertaking the Airport Parkway and...

Please find attached below the memo received from the General Manager of OC Transpo regarding changes to Transit Service for the Spring schedule. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office at 613-580-2486. April 2016 Service Change - External Memo - Final_EN April...

In preparation for this week's pending snow/ice storm, city officials have provided the following update on what is expected and what they are doing in preparation. Weather Conditions A mix of sun and cloud today. A 40% chance of precipitation of light snow mixed with drizzle starts...

Ottawa – The Recreation eGuide and Mon Cyberguide francophone des loisirs are now online at for spring and summer programs. Choose from a wide variety of activities including swimming lessons, fitness classes and summer camps. Registration for swimming and aquafitness classes begins online and by...

I would like to share with residents the following email received from Public Works this morning: The purpose of this email is to inform Members of Council about today’s winter weather event and to highlight the City’s preparations for the event. Weather Conditions Presently temperatures are at -18C...