Recent News

The City’s Planning Department has received a Site Plan proposal for the property at 2785 Riverside Drive, which is the Canada Post complex east of Riverside Drive between Heron Road and Brookfield Drive.  The proposal impacts the southwest portion of the property that consists mainly...

Ottawa – Residents who travel between the communities of Heron Park, Riverside Park and Confederation Heights via the Brookfield multi-use pathway can use a new dedicated, grade-separated connection to cross under the O-train track at Sawmill Creek as of this week. This new connection consists of...

The email below was received this afternoon and is being shared with you for information purposes. As a reminder, the area identified as the Wass siding project is focused between Riverside Drive and Walkley Road.  Questions about this work may be directed to Pamela O’Leary by calling...

Councillor Riley Brockington and Councillor Diane Deans to lead 2nd Safety Audit of the Airport Parkway Pedestrian Bridge and connecting Pathways. On February 3rd, 2015, Councillors Diane Deans and Riley Brockington led a group of residents, city officials and OC Transpo personnel on a safety audit...

Scouts Canada invites you to come and try one of their youth programs! There are numerous groups in the area and contacts are on each group’s website. 72nd Ottawa (Meet at St. Rita’s School): We have lots of space in our sections, and a new...

Dear Residents, I would like to share with you the following update received from VIA Rail Canada on the work being conducted in River Ward. - Riley   Update on Wass siding project: As committed in the public meeting on May 21, 2015, VIA Rail Canada commits to keeping residents...

Ottawa - The City of Ottawa reminds residents of the following schedule changes for Labour Day, Monday, September 7. Client services: Ottawa City Hall and all seven Client Service Centres, including the Government Service Centre located at 110 Laurier Avenue West, will be closed. Business will resume...

The following video of the Carlington Arts Festival is a wonderful example of what can be done when a community comes together.  This special event was held on Monday, May 18th as part of the Victoria Day Weekend celebrations in Carlington. The Carlington Arts Festival was...

This update is in addition to another one I sent out earlier this week. The email below was received late yesterday afternoon and is being shared with you for information purposes. As a reminder, the area identified as the Wass siding project is focused between Riverside Drive...

Dear Neighbour, My office recently received a revised site plan for 880 Thorndale Drive. The site is home to George-Etienne-Cartier Catholic Elementary School. The school’s application will allow for the construction of a 982 square metre addition. The addition includes a new daycare and five new classrooms....

Dear residents, I would like to share with you the following information sent to me today regarding upcoming corrective maintenance work that will be taking place starting tomorrow night, August 6, 2015. VIA Rail Canada Update - August 5, 2015 Along the red path indicated on the map...