Recent News

Applications for the Ottawa Civic Events Funding are now available!  - APPLY NOW - 2017 will be a year of big, bold, authentic and moving festivities, as Canadians mark the 150th anniversary of Confederation. And we want you and your neighbours to team up to create exciting celebrations in...

Secondary Dwelling units in Accessory Structures Zoning Study (Coach Houses)  Overview and Timelines Project consultation activities are planned as part of the study process until late summer/early fall 2016. The City is undertaking a zoning study that will determine the appropriate zones and standards to permit secondary dwelling...

Ottawa Public Health has announced the release of the public consultation survey on enhancing harm reduction services in Ottawa. This survey presents an opportunity for community partners and members of the public to tell Ottawa Public Health their thoughts on enhancing harm reduction services in...

At the Transportation Committee meeting of July 7, 2016 regarding the Winter Operations Review, members of the Transportation Committee supported a motion to amend a report recommendation and keep the snow clearing threshold to 7cm (status quo). As a result of the amended report, the...

In the event of a labour disruption to Canada Post service on Friday, the City has developed contingency plans for residents and businesses that rely on mail service. Ontario Works In anticipation of a postal disruption, a decision was taken by Community and Social Services to keep...

UPDATE - July 6, 2016 - Due to forecasted thunderstorms this evening, the application of an organic herbicide along the tracks of the Trillium Line will be postponed to next week. ~~ Please be advised of upcoming maintenance work to be completed along the O-Train Trillium Line....

Due to the North American Leaders Summit taking place June 29 at the National Gallery and Parliament Hill, employees commuting to and through the downtown core and around the Ottawa MacDonald-Cartier International Airport are advised that there will be significant road closures and traffic volumes...

As many residents may be aware, the Ministry of Transportation is planning to widen the 417 from 0.5 km west of Maitland Avenue to 0.6 km east of Island Park Drive. Included in the widening project is the proposed closure of the 417 E-E onramp...

Join City of Ottawa Recreation staff for summer fun at one of 9 wading pools across River Ward.  New this year, later hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays at some locations to allow families to come out after work hours.  Each location will have a Special...

On June 24, 2016, the Transitway will close between Tunney’s Pasture Station and Merton Street. Service will be adjusted to continue travelling on the bus-only lanes on Scott Street between Merton Street and Holland Avenue. Information on these service adjustments is being provided to OC Transpo...